1. Membership Form: means the application for membership form to be completed and submitted online through the link given in our web site- www.csavachennai.in  to become a Member of the Chennai Small Animal Veterinarians Association (CSAVA).

2. Agreement to these Terms:
When applying for Membership of Chennai Small Animal Veterinarians Association (CSAVA), the Member confirms that it has read and agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Upon membership being accepted by the association, the Member will be provided with its own copy of the Terms and Conditions and they should be retained for future reference.


4. Membership

a. Term: Annual Affiliate membership means a period of one year from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024 years

  1. CSAVA 2024   PG    MEMBERSHIP     is now open to VETERINARY PG STUDENTS within Tamil Nadu ONLY 
  2. Basic Veterinary Degree from a VCI recognized university.
  3. Tamil Nadu state veterinary council registration / V C I regn ( copy to be enclosed during registration for membership)
  4. Evidence of PG id CARD 
  5. PG    MEMBERSHIP     is renewable once in a year until the agreement is terminated by either party in accordance with these terms.
  6. PG    MEMBERSHIP     is valid till the year end only. Eg – if a veterinarian registers him/herself as an annual member on any time of the year, the annual membership will be valid till the respective year end.
  7. Each User shall only register once.
  8. The User shall register online through the link given in our web site- www.csavachennai.in to become a CSAVA 2024   PG    MEMBERS
  9.   CSAVA 2024   PG    MEMBERS of the Association shall expressly accept CSAVA statutes/ bye laws on registration and are bound to comply with them.
  10. By registering with CSAVA, the User accepts that most communications with CSAVA and its Members will take place electronically.
  11. It is the User’s responsibility to make sure that she/he has sufficient access to Internet to participate to the activities at the desired extent.
  12. CSAVA board screens registration applications and reserves itself the right to reject a registration without stating the reasons at any point of time in the respective year.
  13. Members vouch that data supplied on registration are true and complete, and that they are kept up-to-date after registration.
  14. It is expressly forbidden to place accounts at the disposal of third parties and to disclose access details to third parties.
  15. CSAVA reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue individual services and/or sections of the Members Area, or all of them, at any time and without prior notice, in whole or in part. CSAVA reserves the further right to limit or deny access to individual or all services, without prior notice at any time.
  16. CSAVA 2024   PG    MEMBERS can participate in CPD HANDS ON/ MINI CPD programs and other academic activities FREE OF CHARGES for 2024
  18. CSAVA 2024   PG    MEMBERS cannot have electoral rights,  cannot  participate in the General body meetings, and related CSAVA administrative  activities 
  19. CSAVA 2024   PG    MEMBERS cannot become Life members 
  20. Termination of Membership
  • CSAVA 2024   PG    MEMBERS can resign their membership with CSAVA  at any time by communicating their decision by mail or email.
    The resigning Member shall pay the current year’s membership, if any, in full.
  • The Affiliate membership can be terminated by decision from the Board of Directors. The concerned person has the right to appeal against this decision at the General body meeting. Cases where the membership has been repeatedly left unpaid (for two years) lead to the expulsion without a right to appeal at the General Assembly.
  • After the resignation or the termination of a CSAVA 2024   PG    MEMBERSHIP, CSAVA  is entitled to continue without time limitation, to freely use in the Website, emails, publications and advertisements, in full or in part, the contributions (text and other material) the Member submitted to CSAVA before resignation or termination, if any.
  • . Resigned Members can apply to revive their registration at any time. The decision to revive a registration is taken by the Board of Directors.

5. Membership Fees – 2500/ per year   
a. Membership fees are decided by the administrative committee members.
b. Members are required to pay the membership fees, if any, in due time through CSAVA Online portal www.csavachennai.in
c. The Board of Directors may decide to grant partial or full membership fee waivers to specific Members.
6. Cancellation and refund Policy
a. For Affiliate membership registration through CSAVA  portal-www.csavachennai.in, you agree that we may start your membership process immediately upon our accepting your application. This means that you are not entitled to a refund if you change your mind after we have provided the membership.
b. Except as set out in the previous section, you do not have any right to cancel your subscription or any part of it until the end of your then current subscription period.
c. Although you may notify us of your intention to cancel at any time, such notice will only take effect at the end of your then current subscription period, and you will not receive a refund.

The membership rules are in concurrence, within the bye laws and discretion of the CSAVA board and the board can take decisions on the approval / non approval / of the members at any time of the year.