Guidelines for CSAVA- CCC 2024 Delegates participation

  1. CSAVA – CCC 2024  is  open to Small Animal Private Veterinary Practitioners within INDIA only.
  2. Participants should have a  Basic Veterinary Degree from a VCI recognized university.
  3. Participants should be a registered member with their regional veterinary associations.
  4. Each participant can only register Once for ONE case presentation ONLY. 
  5. The registration fees for CSAVA members / CSAVA affiliate members is Rs.1000/-.
  6. The registration fees NON-CSAVA presenters / participants  is Rs.5000/- 
  7. The delegate shall register online through ONLY.
  8. Registration fees  need to be paid online and the screen shot of the payment needs to be uploaded.
  9. Participants vouch that data supplied on registration are true and complete.
  10. The contestants shall expressly accept CSAVA rules on registration and conduct of the events.
  11. By registering the User accepts that most communications with CSAVA will take  place electronically.
  12. CSAVA board has designated a PANEL OF JUDGES across India with specialization and competence who will assess the CSAVA- CCC 2024  without any bias.
  13. CSAVA board reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue individual participants at any time and without prior notice through the CSAVA- CCC 2024  panel’s recommendations.
  14. There will be no refund/ reimbursement of the registration charges unless or until the case presentation is not selected due to multivarious reasons as decided by the CSAVA board.
  15. Each participant will be given 10 minutes presentation – 5 minutes discussion with judging panel
  16. All information regarding  cases including  diagnostics, imaging techniques, therapeutics, clinico pathological examinations need to have been done in their respective private practices and associated private labs, diagnostic centers  ONLY .
  17. The clinical  cases need to be original without copying, objections and plagiarism.
  18. The cases should not have been published or presented before.
  19. The cases should be pertinent to small animals – dogs, cats, Avian & exotics ONLY.
  20. Novel ideas, newer concepts, original ideas will be given preferences for the prizes.
  21. Delegates to make arrangements on their own for travel and accommodation.
  22. Lunch, Tea / Snacks will be provided for the participants.